Thursday, February 15, 2007

A Valentine's day gift - unlocked heart!!

Over the past 30 something years I have had many valentine's day gifts. They have ranged from diamond jewelry to flowers to candy. Thinking back I can honestly say I have never had a meaningful Valentine's day present - until now. Usually on Valentine's day I receive a gift, a supposed token of love from my husband. Over the past 12 years I will receive these gifts, but still feel like something is missing. As a woman I am very emotional, I like to feel. Those giddy feelings inside that give me that rush of power. That rush of power where I know I am adored, appreciated and loved. Well this year I finally got that feeling.

Over the weekend we arranged babysitters from Friday evening until Sunday afternoon. In our world this is like we have struck the lottery. Friday evening we went to a local munch. We talked and played pool and had a great time. We meet a new couple that we hung out with until 11:00 pm. Just a regular night out, nothing D/s about it (other than we were at a munch!) Then we got home. My husband and I were lying next to each other kissing and he started to cry. From the depths of his heart he thanked me for staying with him and allowing him to be my submissive. He acknowledged that I could have my pick of submissive men but I chose him. After everything he had done, I still chose him. I could hear and FEEL the honesty and gratitude coming from him. My husband is not very emotional, so this was truly a gift. But that is not all.

Due to my husband not being trustworthy, he has lost his Internet privileges until I decide to give them back. On Sunday, I allowed him to go on my computer (I NEVER ALLOW HIM ACCESS TO MY COMPUTER) to look at info on a frenium piercing. After a while I noticed he was searching Google in ways he use too, specifically looking for teasing and orgasm control sites. After about 20 minutes I told him he had 5 minutes left and then he was to get off the computer. I then told him that he has obviously not changed enough to be allowed to be on the computer, since he went right back to the selfish, sub-centric behaviour he had before. Now before, my husband would have copped an attitude with me telling me I wasn't his mother, but this time was different. He immediately turned off the computer and went to the bathroom. He returned a minute later and APOLOGIZED. He said I was right and that his mind automatically went back to that sub-centric, self seeking behaviour he had before. He was visibly upset that he had disappointed me and said so. He expressed his regret that he disappointed me and that he did not want to do anything to hurt or anger me. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? I almost passed out right then and there. He then removed my socks and massaged my feet to refocus his attention on me.

I can honestly tell you seeing the genuine change in my husband was better than any gift he could have bought me. See, I have had the diamonds and furs, but his unwavering devotion, adoration and worship is what I want. He can't buy me what I want, because I want his mind, soul and body. These are the ultimate gifts that he can give me. And he has. I now feel like the luckiest Lady in the world. I have finally unlocked his heart, and in return he has unlocked mine.


saratoga said...

Mrs. Claudia-

What a lovely post, and a lovely Valentine moment for you. A very touching post.

Best Wishes,


MissBonnie said...

Beautiful post
Happy Valentines
Collar N cuffs

Catwomanslair said...

Wow, such training potential there. A good way to turn his devotion to you a notch is to look into a chastity device. Control his orgasm, especially his access to his own penis, and you will see him lose that sub-centric streak quickly. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog. I will be reading it regularly.

Lady Julia said...

I just found your blog thanks to a comment you left on Catwomanslair and I've very much enjoyed what I've read thus far. This post was particularly heartwarming. I wish you all the best in your loving relationship.

Silverkey said...

Mrs Claudia,
Hi. It's so good to see you here! I can't wait to hear more about your story.
Best wishes,

Mrs. Claudia said...

Thank you everyone for your comments. I read each of your blogs daily. I just love learning from others. Thank you all for sharing about yourselves too. :-)