Friday, February 15, 2008

What happens when life get's in the way?

Day after day, hour after hour, life goes on as normal. It is sweet, better than anything you have ever imagined. Little things happen every once in a while, but they are minuet in the grand scheme of things. You have wonderful friends; friends who understand all about you. They know every little nuance and secret, and they welcome you and love you unconditionally. Your marriage has finally come to a place where you are happy, truly happy. The years of power struggles, lies and betrayal have ended. Personally, you are stronger than ever. You have come into your own and you are 100% confident in who you are and what you have to offer this world. Life is good!!!

I am sure you are sitting here thinking, "What the hell does this have to do with lifestyle Femdom?", it has a lot to do with it. For some reason there are so many misconceptions on what 24/7 lifestyle Femdom is all about. People seem to think it is void of all problems and that life flows perfectly. I am constantly asked if I am ever normal, or if I am "in control" all of the time. I am also asked if my husband has an opinion on anything in our lives, or if he just bows down to everything I say and never has a say so. I have said before, many times, that this is far from the truth. While I have the final say in everything and I at all times can pull rank, life is still life. There are financial problems, family problems, career problems and marital problems.

As an example, my husband and I totally disagree on the way our children should be disciplined. He feels very strongly one way and I feel very strongly another way. This is one area we have problems in. It is easy to say that as my slave, he should go with my way, but that is easier said than done. There are also career and financial problems that add heavy stress. When our lives are turning upside down, and everyone is stressed and worried, it really disrupts the Femdom rhythm. When problems come, one after the other, a lifestyle D/s relationship is hard to keep on track. So, this brings me to my topic of this post.

How do you get your D/s lifestyle back on track when it has been disrupted for a sustained period of time. I am talking about when your marriage barely resembles Femdom anymore and you feel like you have to start from scratch. Well, there is your first task: Start from scratch. Go back to the basics. Over the past 6 months our lives have slowly succumbed to serious life stresses. There was a while there where I didn't even get a chance to see my slave, much less have him serve me. His life became so overwhelmed that I had to put our D/s relationship somewhat on hold. Not because I wanted to, but because life circumstances forced us to. I am sure there are others out there that have had or are having this same problem.

Here are a few steps I am taking that can be used to jump start your D/s relationship!

1. First, I am taking a few weeks off work to refocus on my passion. I know most people do not have that luxury and I am grateful I can do that. If I was working full time, I would schedule time each day to do what I am suggesting. I am going to start reading and interacting with my online lifestyle community again, via message boards and blogs. I am going to look around for any new lifestyle communities or websites that have started in the past few months and read everything I can get my hands on that deals with lifestyle femdom.

2. I am going to read MsRika's book and re-read Elise Sutton and any other good lifestyle Femdom books in my library.

3. I am going to register for any upcoming seminars or workshops in my local area. If there were none in my local area, I would look online for any instructional DVDs to start practicing to or any online Femdom classes starting. I am not sure if there are any out there, but if I come across any I will post them on the blog. I am also going to be starting online classes and workshops through my lifestyle community when I officially launch it here soon. I will keep you posted.

4. I am going to make a commitment to attend at least one munch a month and one play party a month.

5. I am going to make a commitment to interact with other Femdoms on a regular basis either in person or online in weekly chat meetings.

6. I am going to have my slave start doing one new thing per week that he was previously doing, that has been slacked off on lately.

7. I am going to start journaling daily what things I am concerned with or any issues I need help with. Just as an example, I am having a hard time being consistent right now. I need to work on that.

8. I am going to actively seek out fictional stories or femdom videos to help jump start my imagination again.

9. I am going to call my mentor at least once per week and go over things I am needing help with.

10. I am going to make a list of everything I want my slave to start doing again, and make a schedule of when he will start doing those tasks again.

Bottom line is life gets in the way. Shit happens and the D/s dynamic gets weaker or even burns out for a while. Everything takes work and a D/s relationship is no exception. Just remember to start small and work your way up. Find some communities that you can share with or a class or online workshop to jump start your mind working again.

My next post will be on what tasks you need to give your sub or slave to get them back on track when life has gotten in the way. Regardless of what has happened, you can get back to where you were or get on track in the first place. This advice is good for brand new Femdom's or for Femdom's wanting to revitalize their floundering relationship. Hopefully I will see you around the boards and around some online classes.


Amanda's Knight said...

Mistress and i are at the opposite end of this spectrum. Our relationship in vibrant and new; but seeing posts like this by Mrs. Claudia reiterates how important it is to submit daily to keep the flow of power exchange alive and on fire.

Mrs. Claudia, i introduced my Wife to Your blog and she loves it. i was so disappointed that the CBT clip is no longer on the tour though. The clip where Your boy has something he is going to be licking. i was dying to show that one to Mistress Amanda.

Mrs. Claudia said...

Hi sweetie,

The CBT clip on my website or on my blog? I know I had a You Tube clip up on my blog but it got taken down. If you are talking about my website, I can put the clip back up for your Wife to see. Just let me know!!

Things happen in life, like cancer diagnosis, businesses closing, financial problems and they can definitely damper your daily routine. The D/s relationship between my slave and I is still very much set in stone, it is just the shit that happens to us all when a really bad bout of life gets in the way.

I am so glad you have found my blog and I hope it helps you and your marriage. That is my one and only goal. When my lifestyle community is finished I would love for you and your Wife to join. It will be free and it will be totally lifestyle Femdom. I am very excited about it and I will keep you posted.

I will be adding your blog link to my list of favorite blogs. Keep up the great work!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank You so much for focusing on an overlooked aspect of trying to live the lifestyle 24/7/365. i love Your list! i wish You all the best as You re-invigorate Your FLR.

Emma Kelly said...

Hi Ms. Claudia,

Your post here is in harmony with our current situation. Since we resettled in the USA our Femdom marriage has been somewhat dormant. But we are ready to begin fanning the embers of our relationship and restoring the fires we prefer.

A wise and realistic post.


Mrs. Kelly's Playhouse

Mrs. Claudia said...


I am so happy to hear that you guys are back in the states. I wish you all the best. Let me know how things are going!

Thank you so much for your comment. It can be difficult sometimes but I could not imagine living life anyother way!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Claudia,

I'm glad to hear that you are bringing it back down to the basics. This message was great to hear. I love the way that you take care of your sub and the way that you show that you care. I love you. I am very lucky.

Madam Tiffany
aka Ms Serenity