Damn, this past week has absolutely been a test. This past week I have seriously considered just running away. I am not sure anything else could have gone wrong. The kids are misbehaving, my darling
subby has been diagnosed with a medical problem in a very private area. I am feeling lost. For the past few weeks life has really been getting in the way. I just hate it when that happens. I usually don't post irrelevant things to this blog but I need to seriously vent. You know how they say the more sex women have the more they want it. Well, the same holds true for D/s. I have gotten use to being able to play in one way or another everyday for the past 6 months. When I don't get to play I get very cranky. I am trying to be a good
Domme and give my
subby some time to
re coupe from his injuries but damn I am impatient. I guess I am a true
Domme, I want what I want when I want it!!! I miss the power exchange. I miss the attention. I miss my submissive. What I am learning from this little experience is life will not always afford us the time and attention necessary to have that power exchange. I have to be patient. Patience, not something God has gifted me with. I have to keep reminding myself that it can't always be as intense as I may like. OK, I feel better. The next post will be educational and inspiring. I promise!!
My sub had health problems that kept me from being able to play with him also. I understand how frustrating it is :-/
we all have to vent every so often (I know I do)
hope it picks up for you Claudia..I hear ya on the kids :)
hang in there, health problems get better, and they assure me children don't stay young forever (at least they better not Grrrr)
Collar N cuffs
Hang in there, I know how hard it is when sol is ill...
Push him a bit. My most rewarding experiences are when my wife knows I'm tired or not feeling well and she make's me do something. That kind of power exchange is very erotic.
I hope your husband feels better soon. As the father of 3.....good luck:)
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