I have received quite a few emails regarding my husband authoring a post on the blog. I would like to know if there is anything specific you men or women would like to know from my husbands point of view? I will tell you right now that he will not post any overtly sexual components of our relationship. I am keeping this blog somewhat clean and as close to "R" rated as I can. Guys, this is your chance to ask a fellow submissive what it is like to live in a "real" FemDom relationship. He knows first hand what NOT to do when dealing with your wife or g/f about FemDom. To let me know you can either post a comment or email me directly. My email address is listed under the "about me" section of my profile. To make it a little easier I have given you a list of possible questions to choose from:
- How does he deal with the struggle inside by being a submissive man?
- How does real life submission compare to fantasy or internet submission?
- How did he change from a sub-centric submissive to a real submissive?
Dear MsClaudia, i am thrilled to be able to ask your hubby a question, thank you so much for the opportunity. I am married and am very excited about female led marriages and read your blog with interest and excitement. The question i have is how a guy can go from having as many orgasms as he wants, via masturbation and surfing the web for fem-dom literature, to very infrequent orgasms controlled by his Mistress. thank you and keep up the wonderful blog. I hope to show it to my wife when i get enough courage.
Dear MsClaudia: I've only recently discovered this blog and, as a sub, I'm interested in how the two of you got started in the D/s relationship. Was it something he'd always wanted but never had the nerve to suggest or was it on your initiative? In either case, from his standpoint, how did the fantasy of submission compare to the reality of submission? How often is he "disciplined" and how often "punished?" From his standpoint, what is the principal difference between a "disciplinary session" and a "punishment session?" Are people outside your relationship fully aware of the nature and extent of his submission? If so, how does he feel about that? If not, is exposure something he dreads, expects some day to experience, secretly hopes for? robg
for the husband:
If you were playing Scrabble with your wife, and she played a "word" which you believed could not be found in the dictionary, would you challenge her play? If it was not a word, would you insist (as the rules require) that she forfeit her turn? Or would you just let it go, since there might be some (unconscious, of course) retribution for your lack of respect?
Most parents have at some point let there children win a game, simply by not trying too hard. Do you think that you will begin doing this with you wife? Would there be consequences for you if she thought that you were doing so?
If your wife asks you if you like her new hair color, can you say that you think that it (green?) is inappropriate for women in her age group?
i would like to know what has been the most difficult area of your marriage for you to submit to Mrs. Claudia's authority on?
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