Now that we have decided to stay together and transform our marriage to a D/s marriage it is only natural to make it official. Just as if we were engaged and getting married. When I solidify the decision to formally collar my husband, the meaning and significance will mean so much more than a traditional marriage means. In order for my husband to wear my collar he will freely give me so much more than his last name. In accepting my collar he will be giving me all of himself. The trust that has been broken over the years will have to be replaced. The respect that was tossed out the window will never be taken for granted again. The indifference to my wants and needs will be forever gone. By accepting my collar he will accept that I am his world. His whole purpose will be to serve, love and respect me. He will have to believe, with all his being, that I will never do anything to hurt or harm him. That he is my prize possession, that which I love and honor more than anything. He will have to welcome and even encourage my protection and guidance. It is a big step.
For me, the responsibility of collaring a submissive is huge. The dynamic we have with each other will shift even more. By collaring him I will be saying to him that I will not only love, honor and respect him but that I will guide, correct and protect him. I am reading all I can find on collaring and talking to everyone I know. It is so strange, I am nervous just like I was when we were married. I guess I feel like it will take our D/s relationship and totally make it real. Even though it is already real it still feels like we are just living together. I can break up and move out if I want to and that will be that. By collaring I need to make sure I am really serious about this whole thing. Back in late October when we first started all this I came across info on collaring and I wanted to collar him right away. It just seemed like another one of those symbolic things you do in BDSM, no big deal. I am so glad I didn't collar him back then. It would have trivialized it.
I looked up the basic meaning of collaring and I came across this:
For a little help on the subject I turned to Tom Davis, the owner of Daycollar.com. An expert on the BDSM lifestyle, Tom says, “the collar is really a symbol of devotion to one whom you have agreed to partner with. The exchange of power between a Dominant and submissive is a mutually agreed upon unbalancing of control. It is a akin to the traditional wedding ring in non-BDSM or ‘vanilla’ relationships, except a lot sexier.”
So, with that said I think that it makes perfect sense to collar your husband. It represents the D/s commitment between the two, just like wedding rings represent a vanilla commitment between the two. The next question is what kind of collar should I have my husband wear?
Obviously a traditional leather play collar will not do. Neither will a bulky chain necklace with a big lock on it. I can just hear my husband trying to explain the thick chain necklace with a lock. So then, what are my options. One of my good FemDom friends chose dog tags as her husbands collar. She got him a regular necklace and then had dog tags (like in the military, not for a real dog) engraved. When you see him with his "collar" on it looks like a regular necklace with charms. I thought that was really cool.
This is what I am looking into getting for my hubby.

Well there are my thoughts on collaring your husband. I am planning on a formal ceremony in the next few months so I will keep everyone posted on how it goes. I never got a honeymoon with my wedding so maybe this will be like a "renewing of our vows" and then the honeymoon trip we never got. I will take any excuse to take a vacation.
Nice pair of posts, Claudia. This one and the next.
One point which has come to irk me, personally. Actually, I blame Marquise.
If you think about it, as she pointed out, these are not power exchange relationships. They are power transfer relationships.
I make the point because, as you stress, it is a big deal. You don't want a velcro collar on your sub- you want one with more meaning than a wedding ring.
When I've worn, physically and emotionally, my ex-Mistress' collar, I always considered it more solemn and binding than, well, the wedding ring from my now-ended marriage.
My FemDom relationship ended a lot more smoothly, and for reasons truly not in anyone's control, than my marriage did.
Nothing may necessarily be forever, but it's my experience that a FemDom relationship, with serious collar, can come very close.
nĂckle (sic) often provokes a skin reaction. You might never intend to harm him, but you could.
Thanks for your comments. I am really taking the collaring seriously. Actually, more seriously than I thought.
Thank you for the warning on nickel. I am looking at white gold for the chain and tag but the lock I haven't found in silver or white gold. My search is on!
I fully agree with your opinion about collaring. Weddings should do it, but as you say, too often traditional marriage is not taken as seriously as it should. And they are symbolic only in a traditional sense. Collaring, or some variation of that, takes it to another level and speaks of a much more meaningful committment.
Goddess V often puts a leather collar on me, and finds it easier to dominate me when I am wearing it. But it's not something I can wear all the time. So we have discussed getting a "dog tag" to attach to the gold chain that I already wear around my neck. I have never taken off the chain since she gave it to me some 7 or 8 years ago. This was actually my idea when we purchased a white gold key that she now wears around her neck to symbolize her control over me. But she liked the idea nonetheless. I'm not sure what would be engraved on it, but whatever she wants would be fine with me.
I am really happy I've found your blog Claudia - I am at the beginning of the journey that you have successfully passed, sharing your experience from the transformation. I will be looking into it when dubious or having problems...
I am really happy I've found your blog Claudia - I am at the beginning of the journey that you have successfully passed, sharing your experience from the transformation. I will be looking into it when dubious or having problems...
Wedding rings in a traditional marriage are indeed collars of sorts. The fact that both bride and groom wear them indicates, on the surface at least, equality between the two spouses.
I suggest that two advanced levels of collaring be recognized in FLR/BDSM weddings: cock rings and dog collars. Both worn obviously by the groom only and indicate his wife's domination of the marriage and his slavery to her. The bride decides which to use for the wedding ceremony and who puts it on her groom. All this of course depends on the level of open-mindedness of invited guests.
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