For the past 6 months he has worn it daily with no problems and everything seemed to be great. I also had the added bonus of having this beautiful shinny metal ring around him every time he got hard. I love shinny metal things and I absolutely love a rock hard cock!!! Well it seems that the cock ring might have contributed to his recent medical problem. He has been diagnosed with Varicocele and Hydrocele. While we didn't tell the doctor he has been wearing a heavy metal cock ring for six months, I have spoken with a fellow Domme who agrees the ring probably contributed to this condition.
In all the warnings I read about wearing a ring like this, I never once came across any side effects like this. I want to let others know of this possible condition that occurs in 15% of men. My husband did have this problem a few years ago when he wasn't wearing a ring. That is why I am still not 100% sure my ring caused this. So, my fellow FemDom's, please heed this warning! RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. Find other Dommes to talk to. Bottom line is when you injure your property, on accident or not, you are responsible. My submissive and my husband are my responsibility. By being his Domme I am responsible for not only his safety and well being in a scene, but in everyday life.
All of us are human and make mistakes. This is why I am so grateful I have other FemDom's I can talk with now. Instead of just flying by the seat of my pants I have other wonderful, beautiful women I can ask questions. I think this is another perk!
There's a website called AllExperts.com where expert volunteers answer questions about everything under the sun including Urology. There are presently three Urologists with tons of experience who answer questions and have surely seen just about everything in their careers. You can ask the questions in an anonymous manner (you do have to provide an email address but you can always sign up for a free web based one if you do not want to use your own). If you explain very clearly what you're speaking about, I think they would probably tell you whether or not this was a contributing factor. We've sought information there before about long term orgasm denial.
AllExperts Urology
Hope your husband improves quickly.
Your sense of responsiblity seems to have limits - why did you not insist that he inform the doctor, or do it yourself?
Thank you Lady Julia,
I will go to the website you provided and ask questions.
We haven't seen the urologist yet and I will discuss the ring with him. At the ER we thought it was a hernia and not associated with his ring. It was not until I spoke a few days ago with one of my good friends did I realize the ring could have worsened his condition.
Trust me the Urologist will know everything from any CBT I have done to the metal ring. I am not taking any chances with my beloved.
Thanks for the comments!
I have the exact same cock ring. and althought i have not worn it 24/7 (I cant my balls keep slipping out once the ring warms up and expands) I have worn it as long as i could and never had a problem i guess i'm not one of the 15%. I'd love to find a cock ring the same size that doesen't expand because if i could it would be perfect. If i go down a size it's too tight up a size to big whats a subbbie to do.
Good morning Mrs. Claudia. I think you already know about the, um, device she has me wearing when dayworld job or physical training don't prevent. Realizing it's not quite the same thing as a cock ring, but anything of this nature can eventually have some sort of effect; there's the obvious chafing, and anytime blood flow is restricted even mildly and temporarily there is a potential for negative consequences albeit those may be mild and temporary (and even desired in some cases). In this case it was an unlikely problem - which may also have been from other causes separate from or coinciding with the ring - and you're handling it properly. While we know doctors should have as much info about patients as possible, there are other factors that go into your decision as to whether to let the doctor know exactly all of your personal life - a decision only you can make based on criteria that apply only to you.
All i can say is thanks for the warning!
You're not supposed to wear metal cockrings 24/7.
You really should tell the doctor. Doctors rely on information given to them to diagnose their patients, and if you are going to hide important facts from the doctor, he can't propery help your husband. There is no shame in dislosing personal information to a medical professional that will use it for your husband's treatment and well-being.
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